Kyle Kashuv
Politics • Culture
Twitter is making everyone insane. It really is. And this community will be an antidote to that.
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Bunch of you have just joined in the past few minutes. I post secret videos, and get to be more open with you guys, and just enjoy life. Welcome!

While you’re here this is what’s considered “art” at our nations art museum. Going great!

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The Kyle Kashuv Show is Live!

Hello everyone... Welcome! Today, I am launching the Kyle Kashuv Show alongside this community. This has been in the works for a while, and I'm happy to finally be able to share it with all of you. This show and community will be a place where we can embark on our personal and intellectual journeys, away from the toxicity that is Twitter. You guys have seen my progression through hardships over the past 3 years, and I hope this show brings levity to all our lives. My goal is for this to be a place where we can grow and make sense of the chaos around us.

Please consider supporting the show. My first guest is a good friend of mine... @DaveRubin! Every week I will be interviewing a new guest, where we will cover a range of topics – and the full interview will be exclusively for subscribers. Your support means the world - truly. Without you guys, none of this would be possible. Thank you. I'm excited for what is to come.

We are living in insane times...

I had this clip go viral on Twitter, 10 Million people saw it. I rewatched a few times and this is truly utterly evil. Pure evil.

Put aside this 'Doctor' speaking was in charge of planned parenthood -- now in the role of 'saving lives' -- we have health officials telling the American people that only the Government can allow them their rights. Unamerican power-hungry insanity.

You don't need permission from the Government to take a walk outside.
Now is the time to speak out against this -- keep close watch on who is not speaking out....

February 17, 2021
The Untold Truth of the Kenosha Riots

Locals Only Clip

Interview with Rachel Bovard Tomorrow!

some life updates:
-- moved to LA
-- bought a cast iron pan
-- and am now a big tea guy

Interviewing Rob Henderson Tomorrow. Drop your questions below!

Excited for this

interviewing one of the greatest today..

Sitting down with Critical Race Theory Bulldozer Chris Rufo at 7p tonight.

If you’d like to submit any questions that you’d like me to ask, comment below or shoot me a dm!

Will be posting the interview here first (entirely unedited) for subscribers.

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